21 Lug An impossible interview with andy Warhol
Dopo vari laboratori in classe, approfondimenti e la partecipazione alla mostra a Palazzo Ducale, Giulia, Asia, Carola e Lucrezia, volevano scoprire ancora qualcosa di più sul grande artista Andy Warhol. Ed è successo una cosa incredibile…
Ritornate quindi alla mostra nella stanza delle polaroid, osservando un autoscatto, improvvisamente si sentì una voce… Inizialmente non si capiva cosa stesse succedendo.
Intorno, non c’era nessuno.
Suddenly he popped out of a polaroid.
Carola – Wow! Is it really you?
Andy – Gosh, It’s me!
Lucrezia – It’s unbelievable!
Andy – Didn’t you want to experience something different!?
He was wearing a silver wig, a black leather jacket and dark sun glasses.
His usually attire.
He was so cool!
Andy – Go ahed, ask.
G. – Who was Sam?
Andy – Oh, That’s a long story of my funny love for cats! All my cats were named Sam, except Hester, my first loved one.
A. – Did you really like Campbell’s Soup?
Andy – My mom gave me Campbell’s Soup every day, so it’s somethings that reminds me of my childhood.
C. – Did you get good marks in art at school?
Andy – Yes, I did. The teachers liked me. In grade school they make you copy pictures from books. I think the first one was Robert Luis Stevenson.
L. – Did they say you had a natural talent?
Andy – Something like that… An unnatural talent.
A. – Can we have your autograph?
…Suddenly he disappeared but later we saw his autograph on Asia’s T-Shirt.
G. – What an unusual experience!
Here is the evidence that it really happened!
Giulia, Asia, Lucrezia e Carola, Durazzo sede, 3A
Matteo D.
Posted at 10:24h, 27 AgostoComplimenti, bell’idea! Questa intervista sembra proprio vera. Ho scoperto molte curiosità interessanti su Andy Warhol.